How To Elope In Australia 101

December 28, 2022


A modern-day Australian elopement is all about crafting an intentional and authentic wedding day – whatever the heck that means to you! Small or adventurous; private or with your besties along for the ride… You can elope anywhere, anytime you want, and it’s such a stellar way to go against the grain and celebrate your love on your own terms.

Curious about how to elope in Australia? No dramas – it’s all smooth sailing, since Australian destination elopements can be as simple (or elaborate) as you want. 

Why we’re so hyped about eloping in Australia

First thing you gotta know: eloping isn’t that secret, clandestine thing your grandparents did when they wanted to run away together! Today, an elopement is a private or small-group celebration where you can have amazing adventures, reduce stress, and just focus on yourself and your partner – forget about all those second cousins and work colleagues you hardly know.

It’s awesome for introverts too, since there’s no huge, over-the-top fanfare. Instead, you can focus on one another and celebrate your own true selves – which can also save you serious money. Oh, and no family dramas, since the wedding invite list is strictly on your terms.

We might be kinda biased, but as adventure elopement photographers in Australia, we’re also keen on elopements since we can capture epic photos of you in stunning Aussie locations! 

Choose a destination that’s meaningful to you

To us, eloping is all about starting your marriage with an adventure, so the first step is deciding where you want to elope. Is there a place that has special meaning to you, brings back happy memories, or is just a bucket list destination you’ve always wanted to see?

If you can’t help but get super excited each time you talk about a potential elopement location, that’s an awesome sign that it’s right for you! Even something as simple as a friend’s garden can be so gorgeous for photos – we love these cheeky but romantic backyard snaps of Kat and Jye

As Australian destination elopement photographers, we’d be psyched to give you some recommendations of amazing places to check out. From national parks to iconic Aussie pubs, there are countless awesome adventure elopement spots where you can just rock up and do your thing! 

Include your passions in your elopement adventure 

When planning your adventure elopement in Australia, one of our biggest tips is to include some of your passions and hobbies in your day. Eloping isn’t just about exchanging your vows – it’s also about having an amazing time together.

Want to set off on a sunset hike? Spend the morning surfing? Plan a romantic afternoon of kayaking? By all means, go for it! Including activities makes your elopement fun and relaxing, and also takes some of the pressure off. If you’re inviting guests, you can definitely plan group activities as part of your elopement weekend. 

Decide who to invite

Your to-do elopement checklist in Australia also needs to tackle the possibly tricky question of who to invite. You can forge your own path and just elope with the two of you and your photographer – so romantic! Or how about inviting a small wedding party of 10–20 close friends or family, all cheering your love? This is often called a micro-wedding and is such a fun way to tie the knot. 

The choice is totally up to you, as your elopement is your day and you can design it however you like. Gone are the days when eloping meant running away to get married, as it’s now all about planning a wedding that’s true to your values. 

Your wedding can be legal, meaning it’s recognised by the government, or you can have a symbolic wedding, where you handle the legal side of things before you go and the ceremony is more about committing and expressing your love in the most authentic way possible. 

How can I legally elope in Australia?

Paperwork isn’t super exciting, we know, but you need to do a (tiny!) bit of admin if you want your elopement to be legally binding – but this is a personal choice, of course.

Here’s the quick and dirty version of how to elope, but as part of our elopement packages in Australia, we’re more than happy to give you guidance on the less-exciting parts of the process. 

Australia’s elopement requirements

To get married in Australia, whether you’re eloping or having a traditional wedding, you need to meet a few requirements. Most are pretty obvious, though!

Basically, you need to be over 18, not married to anyone else currently, must not be marrying a relative, and you must agree that you’re entering into the marriage of your own free will.

There’s actually no residency requirement to elope here, which means overseas tourists can definitely book Australian adventure elopements. 

Complete a Notice of Intended Marriage form

This step is important: you need to complete and return a Notice of Intended Marriage form. This essentially states to the government that you’re legally able to get married, but here’s the kicker – it needs to be done at least a month before your elopement. 

You can still be spontaneous as to where you elope, but be sure to get the formalities out the way ahead of time so you’re ready to go. 

Round up a celebrant and two witnesses

Next thing: your elopement needs a celebrant, i.e. an amazing and supportive person who’ll legally pronounce you to be married. Your celebrant actually brings big energy to your day, so choose your person with care.

In addition to a celebrant, you’ll also need at least two witnesses to – well, witness your elopement. And as your trusty sidekicks/photographers/new friends, we are more than happy to act as your two witnesses!

If you don’t want your wedding to be legally recognised, that’s totally OK. Your wedding is all about your love, passion and values and no one else’s, so be true to yourselves. If you want your elopement only to be recognised by a celebrant and curious field of wallabies off in the distance, we love it – and can’t wait to take some photos for you!

We are more than a little bit obsessed with Australian adventure elopement photography and destination weddings, so please ask away with any questions about how to elope, where to elope, or how to handle the admin side of things. We’re more than happy to help you plan the best elopement ever – from the bush to the beach and everywhere in between. 

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